Reference letter – Customer Letter of Introduction
Below is an extract from an actual email sent from one of our clients to another company, suggesting they talk to CCS.
It was nice to meet you this week. As promised here is Sanjeeva’s email: Sanjeeva Latchireddi As I eluded to he is a guru when it comes to operating mills and maximising performance. Up until recently he has only provided operational and design assistance but now he has an Australian company, Complete Comminution Services (CCS), that combines the technical input and the design to produce bespoke lining systems that are customised to a particular milling installation. His fellow director in CCS Peter Milner is the commercial guy that can support Sanjeeva from Australia (
The way they normally work is like this;
1. They have a chat to you and get an understanding of what you are after (tonnes, power reduction, improvement in lining life etc). They request information from you to do a quick preliminary assessment and provide to you the analysis of their preliminary work. Looking at your circuit there are a lot of options you need to discuss with him.
2. If this is of interest they come to site and complete a detailed survey of the milling circuit and sit down with the operators/mets to squeeze the most out of the current circuit
3. They take the survey info and build a dynamic model and look at options that are available.
4. Invariably at step 3 there will be a lining profile modification that is suggested with an indication of what the circuit is capable of post change.
5. You agree to the change
6. They build the linings
7. You install the linings
8. They come to site to commission the linings/mills and show your guys how to operate the milling circuit.
The good thing about these guys is they give you a full service;
• They develop a model and plan
• They design a solution
• They manufacture the solution
• They commission the solution
As a mill manger this appeals to me as there are little to no additional interfaces we require (not dealing with a technical guy to instruct a fabricator to then try and make it work.
I have dealt with these guys for over 10 years and every time he has delivered what he has predicted so I have a lot of faith in his ability.